Dengue Fever and Its Preventive Measures

I was not active in blogging last month because I was hospitalized and had to have bed rest. I suffered from dengue fever, a plague that happens in many tropical countries like Indonesia. This disease is caused and spread out by aedes aegypti mosquito. The mosquito is the primary vector of the disease. This plague always happens every year especially during the rainy season. The government has promoted a campaign to fight this deadly disease by suggesting people to do the following measures:
  1. Keeping up our environment clean
  2. Draining our water tank/water storage regularly
  3. Burying used tins, pails or cans.
First, we should keep our environment clean because dirty environment is a source of all kinds of diseases including dengue fever. Together with people in our neighborhood, we can clean up waterways, ditch and drainage system. Next, we have to drain our water tank/water storage regularly. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes is unique. This mosquitoes can only breed in clean water. Water tank is a perfect place for them to breed. They lay their eggs in clean water and the wigglers will grow there. Finally, we must bury used tins or cans. During the rainy season, the used can or tin can be filled with water from the rain.  Again, it can be a perfect place for the mosquitoes to breed. If we bury them, we can lessen the place for the mosquitoes to breed.

In brief, dengue fever is a dangerous disease. However, we can prevent it by keeping our environment clean, draining our water tank regularly and burying used tins or cans. Hopefully, by doing those preventive measures, we can minimize or even stop the outspread of dengue fever.


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